Monday, January 02, 2006

If U'r regular visitor of my blog site then m really sorry that U couldnt find new stuff here. Actually, after graduating, I didnt get time time to relax at home as I got my posting very soon(1st June, 2005) n then I got the project without any it was very hard for me to survive here(Accenture). So, I couldnt post new stuffs here...
In brief, me njoying my work n having a lots of fun here.....
BTW, HAPPY NEW YEAR...2006...:)

Wanna know...what I'm doin' apart from my work...just visit this URL.... In Accenture

N U will know...... :)
Will bak soon...with new stuff...buh bye!!!


- =| Happy New Year...2006! |=
by Ravi @ 4:38 pm